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SMAPEx-3 Archive
Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiment

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)

RIEGL 2D laser scanner

The RIEGL LMS-Q560 (see Figure 3-8(b)) is a 2D laser scanner which gives access to detailed target parameters by analysis of the full waveform (www.riegl.co.at/airborne_scannerss/lms_q560/). The method is especially valuable when dealing with difficult tasks, such as canopy height investigation or target classification. Fast opto-mechanical beam scanning provides linear, unidirectional and parallel scan lines. The instrument needs a GPS timing signals to provide online monitoring data while logging the precisely time-stamped and digitized echo signal data to the accompanying digital data recorder. During SMAPEx-3 the instrument was flown at approximately 400m. The field of view was approximately 40°, which resulted in a swath of almost 300m on the ground. The repetition pulse frequency ensureed a point density of about 10 points per square meter. The acquisition plan allowed for a 50% overlap between adjacent flight lines. Over the forest two passes from perpendicular direction were used for a better characterization of forest trees structure. For the LiDAR dataset, please contact Alessandra Monerris-Belda: sandra.monerris-belda@monash.edu.


Created: July 2010
Last Modified: March 2012
Maintainer: Xiaoling Wu, xiaoling.wu@monash.edu